• Bearden Key Club

  • Key Club is an international, student-led high school organization affiliated with Kiwanis Clubs. Our members try to make the world a better place through service. In doing so, we grow as individuals and leaders by answering the call to lead, summoning the courage to engage, and developing the heart to serve.

    Our Key Club students have a tremendous impact in our local community. Last year, we volunteered for over 6,200 service hours! And we raised over $21,000 for the Knoxville Ronald McDonald House, our designated district project/charity.
    Students are invited at the end of freshmen year to attend an orientation meeting in late spring. If a student is interested in joining, they have the summer to complete 15 hours of community service. In September, students officially join and pay dues to become a club member. To maintain membership each year, the student must complete at least 50 hours of club, school, and community service. Upperclassmen and new students can also join.
    Meetings are 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month, 7:45am in the Auditorium. Come join us!
    Fall 2024 meetings: Aug 22, Sept 5, 19, Oct 3, 24, Nov 7, 21, and Dec 5.

    Amy Davis: amy.davis2@knoxschools.org

    Ernie Roberts, Kiwanis Club representative and sponsor emeritus