    How Elementary Counselors Help
    Elementary School Students’ Developmental Needs
    The elementary years are a time when students begin to develop their academic self-concept and their feelings of competence and confidence as learners. They are beginning to develop decision-making, communication and life skills, as well as character values. It is also a time when students develop and acquire attitudes toward school, self, peers, social groups and family. Comprehensive developmental school counseling programs provide education, prevention and intervention services, which are integrated into all aspects of children’s lives. Early identification and intervention of children’s academic and social/emotional needs is essential in removing barriers to learning and in promoting academic achievement. The knowledge, attitudes and skills students acquire in the areas of academic, career and social development during these elementary years serve as the foundation for future success.

    Meeting the Challenge
    Elementary school counselors are professional educators with a mental health perspective who understand and respond to the challenges presented by today’s diverse student population. Elementary school counselors don’t work in isolation; rather they are integral to the total educational program. They provide proactive leadership that engages all stakeholders in the delivery of programs and services to help students achieve school success. School counselors align with the school’s mission to support the academic achievement of all students as they prepare for the ever-changing world of the 21st century. This mission is accomplished through the design, development, implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive, developmental and systematic school counseling program. ASCA’s Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success are the foundation for this work. The ASCA National Model: A Framework For School Counseling Programs (ASCA, 2002), with its data-driven and results-based focus, serves as a guide for today’s school counselor who is uniquely trained to implement this program.

    Elementary School Counselors Implement the School Counseling Program by Providing:

    School Guidance Curriculum
    • Academic support, including organizational, study and test-taking skills
    • Goal setting and decision-making
    • Career awareness, exploration and planning
    • Education on understanding self and others
    • Peer relationships, coping strategies and effective social skills
    • Communication, problem-solving and conflict resolution
    • Substance abuse education
    • Multicultural/diversity awareness
    • Individual student planning
    Academic planning
    • Goal setting/decision-making
    • Education on understanding of self, including strengths and weaknesses
    • Transition plans
    Responsive Services
    • Individual and small-group counseling
    • Individual/family/school crisis intervention
    • Conflict resolution
    • Consultation/collaboration
    • Referrals
    System Support
    • Professional development
    • Consultation, collaboration and teaming
    • Program management and operation

    Elementary School Counselors Collaborate with:

    Parent education 
    Academic planning 
    College/career awareness programs 
    One-on-one parent conferencing 
    Interpretation of assessment results

    Classroom guidance activities 
    Academic support, including learning style assessment and education to help students succeed academically 
    Classroom speakers 
    At-risk student identification and implementation of interventions to enhance success

    School climate 
    Behavioral management plans 
    Schoolwide needs assessments 
    Student data and results 
    Student assistance team building

    Peer education 
    Peer support 
    Academic support 
    School climate 
    Leadership development
    Job shadowing, service learning 
    Crisis interventions 
    Parenting classes 
    Support groups 
    Career education

    **These examples are not intended to be all-inclusive.

    Why Elementary School Counselors?
    Elementary school years set the tone for developing the knowledge, attitudes and skill necessary for children to become healthy, competent and confident learners. Through a comprehensive developmental school counseling program, school counselors work as a team with the school staff, parents and the community to create a caring climate and atmosphere. By providing education, prevention, early identification and intervention, school counselors can help all children achieve academic success. The elementary school counselor holds a master’s degree and required state certification in school counseling. Maintaining certification includes on-going professional development to stay current with education reform and challenges facing today’s students. Professional association membership enhances the school counselor’s knowledge and effectiveness.