Arrival/Dismissal Procedures:
In the mornings, cars will turn into the front of the school, from Brown Gap Road, into the Drop-Off Entrance (the red arrows on the map). Once you get to one of the cones, pull up to the first available cone in the front of the building.
Once a parent has dropped off their child, they will follow the traffic pattern back to Brown Gap Road. It is possible to turn left or right.
If you need to come into the school, you will need to park in the parking lot. This has a different entrance. You will need to use the Parking Entrance (the blue arrows on the map).
Buses will arrive in the back of the back of the school, from Felty Drive.
Important Things to Remember:
- You cannot pull into the front parking lot until 7:10 AM in the morning.
- You cannot pull into the front parking lot until 2:40 PM in the afternoon.
- Students cannot be checked out after 2:15 PM in the afternoon except in the event of an emergency.