School Counseling
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Welcome to the A. L. Lotts Elementary School Counseling Department!
Our School Counselors are Andrea Rentsch and Danielle Peters. They offer a variety of helpful tools and resources for parents and students. Various services include small group counseling, short-term solution-focused individual counseling, consultation with parents and teachers, and monthly classroom lessons focused on social/ emotional learning.
Andrea Rentsch
Professional School CounselorA. L. Lotts Elementary9320 Westland DriveKnoxville, TN 37922865-539-8611Danielle PetersProfessional School CounselorA. L. Lotts Elementary9320 Westland DriveKnoxville, TN 37922865-539-8611
How We Help
Classroom lessons address important preventative and developmental topics, including conflict resolution, bullying, academic skills, career, and personal safety, among others. Topics are determined by needs assessment data and teacher input and meet both state and national standards.
Small groups provide additional learning experiences, giving children the opportunity to build relationships, practice new skills, and learn through the support of group members. Small group topics vary widely and are determined by data and current needs.
Individual counseling is offered on a short-term basis for a variety of student concerns. Resources can be provided on an as-needed basis for students that may benefit from more intensive and/or long-term therapy.Consultation with parents and teachers is a critical part of the school counselor's role in advocating for students and helping them succeed.
School counselors help locate community resources for parents in search of information or services to help their child at home.