Birthday Book Club

  • Birthday book club

    Celebrate your child or teacher's birthday by donating a book to the West Hills Elementary School Library.

     For a $15 donation:
    • A new hardcover book will be placed in the library.
    • A bookplate honoring your child or teacher will be placed in the front of the book.
    • Your gift book donation will be announced on morning announcements.
    • Mrs. Schultz will present the birthday book and a balloon to the honoree.
    • A picture of the honoree with their book will be displayed on our "Birthday Wall" outside the library.
    You and your child may choose a new book from a special collection of literature held in the library. These books have library bindings and are already processed. Please allow us time to prepare your selection. For more information, call (865) 539-7850 and ask for library. 
    Gift books are appreciated for all occasions any time of the year!