The Falcon Quill 70th Anniversary logo
The Falcon Quill Masthead
  • Welcome to The Falcon Quill. 

    Chartering with the Quill & Scroll Society in January 1953, The Falcon Quill has been Fulton's student voice for nearly 70 years. The Falcon Quill is part of Fulton's Journalism Honor Society, The Quill and Scroll. The FulCom Academy of Communications students who participate as full members must maintain a 3.0 GPA, have exemplary citizenship, and integrity. 

    The Falcon Quill will meet afterschool once a week to hold production meetings, share ideas for use in upcoming issues, and hear from community leaders in design and journalism. Staff members are expected to work independently on assignments outside of meeting time. We are working closely with the University of Tennessee's College of Communications and Information. 

    We recently published our first issue after a long hiatus. Digital Design III students will continue to work on this project throughout each semester. Student and faculty contributors from across the school are encouraged to submit content and ideas to the Quill. Submissions should be sent to Ms. Campbell,, or, for consideration. They will be added to the production calendar. 

    The Falcon Quill Sponsor: Ms Sandra Campbell

    Meetings: Fridays 3:45pm-5:00pm in Room 200.


The Falcon Quill Online

  • Give Us Your Ideas!

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    Hey Fulton!  Give us your ideas for our Autumn '23 Issue.

    If you have an event coming up in the early part of Fall semester, please let us know as soon as possible. We have eager student staffers ready to cover your events, but we need to be able to schedule those. Lead time is important.

    Send ideas to

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