Parent Resources
Knox County Schools Family Resource Center
Social Emotional Learning Parent Resources:
COVID-19 Resources in English and Spanish: COVID-19 Resources
Elementary Grades Coronavirus Resources
Helping Kids Who Are Worried About Coronavirus by Counselor Keri:
Coronavirus Handout for Children and Parent Handout by Counselor Keri:
How Mindfulness Can Help During COVID-19 by Child Mind Institute: Also En Español:
Managing Your Mood While Observing Social Distancing by Between Sessions Resources:
Conducting Positive Family Meetings by Between Sessions Resources:
7 science-based strategies to cope with coronavirus anxiety by The Conversation:
Ways to Cope in Trying Times by Second Step:
100 Free Coping Strategies by Kristina Scully: 100 Coping Strategies
Committee for Children-Found through Second Step Database Resource for building children’s resilience: This resource provides various videos and activities for kids to learn more about being resilient.
This resource comes with packet of activities as well. May be better suited for Kindergarten and 1st grade.
School Counselor
Nadine G. Huyck M.A., NCCProfessional School Counselor7715 Tazewell PikeCorryton, TN 37721865-689-1497 ext. 25616Lori Kitts M.Ed. CounselorProfessional School Counselor7715 Tazewell PikeCorryton, TN 37721865-689-1497