

    This is what you will need to enroll your child at Gibbs Elementary:

    * Birth Certificate
    * Social Security Card
    * Proof of Residence (gas, water or electric bill, mortgage or lease agreement)

    **Tennessee child Health Immunization form MUST be turned in prior to school starting. Immunization must be on the new form which was available from your healthcare provider or County Health Department beginning April 1, 2010. Any immunization form dated prior to this date and not on the new form will not be accepted.
    No child will be allowed to start school without this information.


    First Day of School


    What time does school let out on the first day? 

    The first day of school is a half day so the school dismisses at 11:15.


    What supplies will my child need?

    General supply lists by grade level are available in the school office and online under the For Families tab or by clicking on the Quick Link on the bottom of the home page. These supply lists are updated every year over the summer. Teachers will let you know on open school night if any additional supplies are needed. 

    Viewing supply lists on a smartphone may require you to turn the phone horizontally to see all grade level links


    What does my child need to bring on the first day of school?

    A backpack is a good idea since teachers send home many papers and forms on the first day. Something to write with is also recommended. Teachers do not expect all school supplies to be brought on the first day of school. Since the first day is a half-day, lunch is not served, so there’s no need to pack a lunch or send lunch money.

    Can I walk my child into the school on the first day?

    Yes, on the first day of school you may walk you child to his or her classroom. This is also a good time to carry in supplies that might be too heavy for your child to bring in on their own. 



    What are the school hours?

    The regular school day is 7:45 a.m. until 2:45 p.m. for all students, including kindergarten students. Half days end at 11:15 a.m. 

    When is my child considered tardy?

    If a student arrives at school after 7:45, they must be signed into the office and will be considered tardy.

    What if I’m running late and can’t pick up my child on time at dismissal?

    Students not picked up by 3 p.m. will be taken to the school office. Parents/guardians will need to enter the front of the school and report to the office to sign out their child. A photo ID will be required to pick up. If someone other than a parent is picking up a student, they must be listed as having permission to check out this student on the KCS Student Profile sheet.



    How long does my child have to be at school to be counted present?

    Students must remain for three (3) hours and 15 minutes, or until 11:00 a.m. (Please note that a tardy will appear on your child’s report card if he/she leaves school before these times and does not return with a medical note later that day.) 

    What do I need to do if my child has to leave school early?

    If you know ahead of time that your child will be leaving early (i.e., for a doctor’s appointment), send a written note to your child’s teacher indicating what time you plan to pick up the student. When you arrive at the school, report to the office and a staff member will have your child sent to the office. Your child may not wait in the front office area for an early pick-up. You will be asked to show a photo ID and sign your child out of school before the student will be released. Please arrive early and allow sufficient time for us to check IDs against our computer system. No students may be checked out after 2:15.

    Do I need to send a note if my child is absent?

    Yes. A written note must be sent to your child’s teacher within five (5) days of the student’s return to school. Otherwise, the absence will be considered an unexcused absence. Notes are required even if you call the school or message/email the teacher. You may submit up to ten (10) parent/guardian notes during the school year. If your child misses 10 or more days in a school year because of illness, a statement from a medical provider is required.

  • Picking up your child?

    You will be asked to either complete a New Student Enrollment Sheet or review a Student Profile Sheet each year. Here you will grant permission for anyone other than guardians to pick up your child. We will ask for photo ID of any person (including parents/guardians) requesting early dismissal from school. IDs will be checked against those with permission to pick up. If you do not have a photo ID, we will NOT allow the student to dismiss early. Please assist us in having photo ID ready. Please allow sufficient time for us to check IDs against the computer system. You may update your permissions at any time in the school office.

    You will also recieve a colored sign every year with the Gibbs Elementary stamp on it. If your child is ever a car rider, the person picking up your child must go through the line and show the colored sign with your child's name printed on it clearly. If you do not have a sign, you must go to the office and show ID to pick your child up. You may also ask for another sign from the office. 


  • May I eat lunch with my child?

    Yes! In conjunction with Knox County School’s directives we will be providing closer checks on those coming to eat lunch with our students on a daily basis. When a parent comes to eat lunch with their child they will need to have their ID ready before signing in. If someone from your family other than the parent is coming to eat lunch with your child you MUST send in a note indicating your permission. If a person coming to eat with your child does not have permission by way of a note or is a person with permission to pick up your child, they will not be able to eat lunch with your child. This procedure will take more time than simply signing in so we ask that you or your anticipated visitor come 15 minutes before the designated lunch time. Our policy of letting non-school age siblings accompany an adult for lunch will still be the same and reserved only for Fridays. If you’d like to purchase lunch, the cost is $3.75. The amount can be charged to your child’s lunch account, if you wish. You may also bring in outside food to enjoy with your child.

    Other Questions

    If you have any other questions, please contact the front office at 865-689-1497 or send a note/email to your child's teacher.