Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
It is our goal to provide a safe and orderly arrival and dismissal procedure. It is essential that our students learn the routines to get their school day started on time. Thank you for your support and cooperation.
If you or your child has specific needs, please speak to an administrator.
Kindergarten's Beginning of the Year Arrival:
Parents may walk their kindergarten students to the classroom during stagger days and the first full day of Kindergarten. For the remainder of the school year, parents are welcome to walk their students to the cafeteria door entrance and tell them goodbye. At that point, a Beaumont staff member will walk them into the cafeteria and direct or escort them to the Kindergarten hallway (or breakfast if they choose to eat). Please note that the cafeteria door entrance is open for students from 7:10 to 7:45.
Regular Arrival Procedures:
For Grades 1-5 beginning on the first full day of school, parents may walk their children to the cafeteria entrance to tell them goodbye or go through the car line. If you need to be in the building, you must check in at the front office. Please ring the front door bell to request entrance beginning at 7:10.
Students should enter through the cafeteria. Students may choose to eat breakfast before traveling to their grade level area. At 7:45, he cafeteria entrance will close. Beginning at 7:46, an adult must walk their student up to enter through the front office, sign in, and receive a tardy slip.
First Day of School (1/2 day) Dismissal, 1st - 5th Grades:
The first day of school is a half-day and students will be dismissed promptly at 11:15. There will be no YMCA Aftercare and some of the aftercare buses will not be running. Please call the office if you need information about a certain bus. Please ensure you have the appropriate car or walk-up tag needed to collect your child at 11:15.
Kindergarten's Beginning of the Year Dismissal:
Kindergarten will dismiss at 12:00 on each of their stagger days. Students will be held in the hallway by the mural entrace with their teachers. Beaumont staff members will be outside to assist with dismissal. Parents may wait in the cars and form a line at this location (the typical car pick up area). Parents may also park in the parking lot or on Beaumont Avenue and walk up to collect their students. Parents will show their car tag or walk-up tag to a BMA staff member who will call their student to come outside and be dismissed. If parents do not have a car tag or parent walk up tag, they will be asked to show identification before taking their student home. Car rider and parent walk up tags will be available at Meet the Teacher night or in the office any day.
Regular Dismissal Procedures:
Please let your child's teacher know how your child will dismiss each day. If there is a change in your child’s transportation (one-time or permanent), please send a note to your child’s teacher or call the Front Office. Pleaes communicate any dismissal changes by 12:00pm.
BMA has several ways in which students may be dismissed.
Bus Riders: Bus service is available for students who live outside of the Parent Responsibility zone (approximately 1 mile radius of the school), or students who are on a magnet transfer. Please check the Knox County website for bus routes.
Car Riders: Students who are car riders will wait in the cafeteria each afternoon. Staff members will call students to meet parents in the front of the building. Parents should follow the instruction of the staff helpers in the afternoons to help with a quick and smooth car dismissal. Parents should remain in their cars and move quickly out of line after receiving their child. Parents picking up students in the car rider line must have a car tag. These can be picked up in the office. For the safety of our students, any parent without the appropriate tag will need to park and visit the office and show identification. Please be patient on the first few days as students learn the dismissal process; it becomes efficient and smooth very quickly.
At 3:10, any students who have not been picked up will be escorted to the office where they will wait for their adult to collect them. After 3:10 you will need to come to the front office to sign your child out.
Please note: Students will not be dismissed from the cafeteria if a parent or guardian walks up to the cafeteria door. If your child is a car rider and you are not in a vehicle and instead walk up to the building, we will not dismiss them to you. You will need to get in line at the walk-up door with your tag and wait to receive your child.
Walker: If you wish to have your student walk home, your child will be a walker. If your student is a front door or back door walker they will be dismissed out the appropriate entrance with the walking school bus.
Walk-Up: If you wish for your child to be held at school for you to “walk up” and meet them, they will be called a “walk-up”. If you designate your child to dismiss as a walk-up you will meet them at the mural door. You will receive a walk-up tag to give to the staff member who will call for your child on the radio. Please be patient on the first few days as we get to know names. The process gets efficient and smooth very quickly. If you do not have your tag you will be directed to the office to sign your child out. This is for the safety of your student.
At 3:10, any students who have not been picked up will be escorted to the office where they will wait for their adult to collect them. After 3:10 you will need to come to the front office to sign your child out.
YMCA Aftercare: If you have arranged for your student to attend YMCA Aftercare, it will occur in the west side of the cafeteria. You may pick them up at the door just past the front stairs.
Let your student's teacher know asap how your child will be going home typically. If this changes (for a one-time event, or as a permanent change) you need to send a note to the teacher.