• School Counseling

    Welcome to the BKE School Counseling Department! 


     Mrs. Haley offers a variety of services, including small group counseling, short-term solution-focused individual counseling, consultation with parents and teachers, and monthly classroom counseling lessons.

    Contact Mrs. Haley through email at Haley.Rapper@knoxschools.org or on ParentSquare! Take time to explore these counseling pages for useful resources and referral links.


    Mrs. Haley's Virtual Counseling Office



    Classroom Counseling Lessons:

    We are using the QuaverReady curriculum for counseling lessons this year! 

    QuaverReady helps us provide quality lessons for every student within the social/emotional, academic, and college & career domains. Each month, the students will engage in a lesson targeted for their development into healthy and well-rounded individuals.