• Referral Forms
    Caregivers: please use the form below to refer your student to the school counselor. If your child requests to speak with the school counselor, the referral form is the best way to let me know. Staff members may also refer students to me at anytime during the school year. 

    The information students share with the school counselor is confidential. The student’s right to privacy is guarded as much as permitted by law, ethics, and school policy. The school counselor is obligated to break confidentiality when there is potential harm to the student or others, concern about neglect or abuse, or a court of law that requires testimony or student records.

    At times, the counselor and school-based staff (teacher, social worker, principal, etc.) will need to exchange information about your child (how they are coping in class, strategies to help, etc.) All communication will take place only on a need-to-know basis. 

    School Counselors differ from mental health counselors in that we provide systemic support through multidimensional interventions. School counselors provide solution-focused individual counseling sessions on a short-term basis. Mental Health Counselors provide individual counseling sessions and function as long-term therapy. If you feel that your child needs long-term therapy, the school counselor can help refer you to mental health agencies in the area.