The job of parenting is hard work. Oftentimes, we need the advice of professionals to guide us along the way. Below are some web resources that I have found helpful. As always, please feel free to contact the counseling office for any reason throughout the school year.
Tips for Calming First-Day Jitters in Grade School
from Understood.com
Back to School Anxiety
From Child and Mind Institute
An article stressing hard work over intelligence
Hard work over intelligence article link
Books that teach- a website summarizing children's books, sorted by topic:
Summarizes children's books link
Cyberbullying Awareness Article
Article on effective parenting strategies to manage tantrums and behavioral problems, or learn tips on how to help your child cope with grief, divorce, and trauma
Parenting tips including tips for disciplining young children, dealing with angry children, coping with school transitions, and fostering values
College and Career Readiness- Careers! Yes even in elementary school!
Great resource for exploring and promoting career development at the elementary level
Tips to help children deal with conflict
Angry Kids: Dealing with Explosive Behavior
Anxiety in Children: What is normal and how to handle it
Tips to help your elementary student handle stress
Helping your child after a crisis
This is an excellent website to help adults understand attention and learning issues in children. If you have a child with learning difficulties, check out Understanding Your Child's Challenges section. Also, a great resource for how to empower your child.