• Second Grade Supply List


    1 pencil pouch (w/ three ring holes)

    24 yellow #2 pencils--(pre-sharpened, Ticonderoga) 

    3 packs of thick black dry erase Expo markers

    2 boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons

    1 pack of colored pencils

    1 pack washable Crayola markers (8 or 12 count - not skinny)

    1 pair of Fiskars scissors

    4 Elmer's glue sticks

    2 boxes of tissues

    1 pack of Magic Erasers

    1 pair of headphones-corded, no bluetooth, needs to be good quality to last all year

    Boys Only--1 bottle of hand sanitizer, 1 pack of baby wipes

    Girls Only--2 containers of Clorox Wipes, 1 box of quart size baggies


       *Individual teachers will let you know if they need any other supplies. Thank you!