Students and Families enrolled at Halls High School can register here for the 2025 Advanced Placement (AP®) Administration.
Please read all information and terms carefully. Students must sit for the AP exam before 5 points will be added to their AP Course grade.
Students must submit an AP Statement of Intent form, register, and pay for the exam before the following deadlines.
Fall Registration Deadline: October 4, 2024.
Spring Registration Deadline: February 10, 2025.
Exam Fees: $100 per exam
STEP 1: Activate your exam – Log into the College Board MyAP sr to exam time. 7:45am for 8:00am exams and 11:45am for 12:00pm exams. Exam location will be provided on Canvas closer to exam date. Log into the College Board My AP site at http://myap.collegeboard.org using your College Board profile and apply the ‘Join Code’ (access code) you receive from your teacher for each of your subjects. (See FAQs for details) Click on ‘Register for Exam’ to activate your exam. For yearlong and Fall courses, deadline to activate the exam on MyAP is October 4, 2024.
For Spring courses, deadline to join the course on MyAP is February 10, 2025
STEP 2: Submit exam fees – Click on “Submit fees for AP® Exams” below and submit your fees. For yearlong and Fall courses, fees are due by October 4, 2024. Deadline for Spring Courses is February 10, 2025.
- HHS AP Exams FAQs
- AP® Exam Site Security Regulations
- See Mrs. Polston regarding payment
Students enrolled in AP®courses that commence in the Fall Semester will have the opportunity to activate their AP® Exams and submit fees between August 1 and October 1, 2024.
Students enrolled in AP® courses that commence in the Spring will have the opportunity to activate their AP® Exams and submit fees between January 1, 2025 and March 1, 2025
Students enrolled in Spring semester AP® Courses may submit payment for these exams in advance, but it is not recommended since there are no refunds.
No late registration is available.
2. The cost of each AP® Exam is $100 each.
Payment for exams may be done via credit card or debit card, OR by check, cash or money order. Students should see Mrs. Polston regarding payment.
Late registration is not available.
3. Students are required to be at the testing site 15 minutes prior to exam time. 7:45am for 8:00am exams and 11:45am for 12:00pm exams. Exam location will be provided on email to students on their school email account closer to the exam date.
4. Please keep in mind that many colleges will award credit for AP® Test scores of 3 or higher. Halls High School therefore recommends that you participate in taking the exam(s). You will have the option of sending scores to colleges you may want to attend.
5. Homeschool and outside students must receive permission to test with Halls High School before submitting payment. Please speak to the Halls High School AP® Coordinator for more information.
6. Fee reductions are possible for qualifying students. If you feel you may qualify for a fee reduction, please submit the Halls High School Fee Reduction application linked below to AP® Coordinator, Trina Polston, at trina.polston@knoxschools.org. Once eligibility has been confirmed, you will be provided with a Fee Reduction Code that will reduce the price of the exam(s) on the payment form to the appropriate amount.
7. Refunds and cancellations are not possible as per Halls HS Policies.
8. College and universities with AP® Credit Policies can be found on the College Board’s website at https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/creditandplacement – It is the student’s responsibility to verify that the college they plan to attend will accept AP® credit and submit scores to their university/college of choice.
9. AP® exam program information is available in the College Board “AP® Bulletin for Students and Parents.”