ACT Senior Retake Information


    ACT Senior Retake Online

    When: Tuesday, October 1, 2024

    Where: HHS 8:30 am to approximately 12:30 pm 

    Why: ACT is a graduation requirement.

    Cost: Free to Seniors

    Letter Regarding Senior ACT to Parents

    ACT Leave Early Form

    Register: All 12th grade HHS students will be automatically registered for the ACT Senior Retake. Seniors will connect by the student code provided by ACT in their MyACT Account as part of the registration process. 

    How to Create a MyACT Account for State Testing: Once ACT has released the platform for use, Seniors will receive instructions on how to connect their student code for the State ACT in their MyACT Account. Students will also receive directions on how to create/migrate a MyACT account through Class Canvas Page, and ASPEN Email.


    What to bring: 

    • 2 pencils
    • a photo id
    • an acceptable calculator
      • Know whether your calculator is permitted? Check ACT Calculator Link or call 1-800-496-4681 for the most up to date recording. 
    • KCS Chrome book and charger

    Helpful ACT Prep Information:

    Preparing for the ACT Paper- Link

     Preparing for the ACT Paper- Spanish Version - Link