Class of 2027

  • Welcome Class of 2027 to Fulton High School.  This page will provide you with a wealth of useful information and links that can help you be more successful as you begin your high school journey.  Let's meet the Freshman Academy leadership and behavior support team.

     S. ROth     C. Negendank     Mrs. Brown     C. Ottinger
         Mrs. Roth                Mr. Negendank               Mrs. Brown                  Mr. Ottinger
       Administrator         Behavior Support              Counselor                Academy Lead

  • Fulton High School Pathways
  • Class of 2027
  • Aspen is the program that Knox County Schools uses to record grades and take attendance.  As a parent, you have the ability to track your student's progress on Aspen.  Watch the video below for instructions on how to gain access to this important information.