SEL Curriculum Plan

  • Kindergarten:
    August: Meet the Counselor/Safe vs. Unsafe Behaviors
    September: Why We Go to School, Learning to Listen
    October: I-Messages
    November: How I Feel, When I Worry
    December: Personal Safety (Erin's Law)
    January: We Feel Feelings in Our Bodies, Managing Frustration
    February: Calming Strong Feelings, Handling Waiting
    March: Managing Anger
    April: Working Together, Small Problems vs. Big Problems
    May: Ignoring

    1st Grade:
    August: Meet the Counselor/Safe vs. Unsafe Behaviors
    September: Rules Help Us, I-Messages
    October: Positive Mindset
    November: Setting Goals
    December: Personal Safety (Erin's Law)
    January: Identifying Our Feelings, Strong Feelings
    February: Calming Down Anger, Friends Are Special
    March: I Can Solve Problems
    April: Walk Away, Take Turns
    May: Standing Up For Me

    2nd Grade:
    Safe vs. Unsafe Behaviors, I-Messages
    People I Can Talk To
    November: Including Others, Controlling My Emotions
    Personal Safety (Erin's Law)
    January: Managing Embarrassment, Handling Making Mistakes
    February: Managing Anxious Feelings, Managing Anger
    March: Major and Minor Problems
    April: Take a Break, Talk it Out
    May: Bullies, Bystanders, and Victims

    3rd Grade:

    September: Safe vs. Unsafe Behaviors, Your Brain 101/I-Messages
    Making Rules for Myself, Organizing and Prioritizing My Work
    November: Introducing Emotion Management
    Personal Safety (Erin's Law)
    January: Managing Test Anxiety, Handling Accusations
    February: Managing Disappointment, Managing Anger
    March: Types of Conflict, Solving Conflict
    April: What Caused the Problem?
    May: Assertiveness and Bullying

    4th Grade:
    September: Safe vs. Unsafe Behaviors, Your Brain 102/I-Messages
    Setting Long-Term Goals, Good Study Skills
    November: How to Express Empathy
    Personal Safety (Erin's Law)
    January: Introducing Emotion Management, Managing Strong Feelings
    February: Calming Down Anger, Managing Anxiety
    March: What is Bullying?
    April: Preventing the Problem, Standing Up for Others
    May: What Do You Do After High School?

    5th Grade:
    September: Safe vs. Unsafe Behaviors, Your Brain 103/I-Messages
    Being a Strong Team Leader
    November: Conflict vs. Bullying, Appreciating Diversity
    Personal Safety (Erin's Law)
    January: Introducing Emotion Management, Calming Down
    February: Managing Anxiety, Managing Frustration
    March: Resisting Revenge
    April: Evaluating Information, Technology Safety
    May: Middle School Transition Jeopardy
    (Middle school visit field trips typically occur in the Spring semester.)

School Counseling Standards

Results Reports

  • Click on the school year to view the results of the Comprehensive School Counseling Program.




