Mission, Vision, and Beliefs

  • Mission

    The mission of Spring Hill’s School Counseling program is to help students be self-motivated and take responsibility for their own learning through the development of academic success skills, career readiness and social/emotional growth.




    The vision of the Spring Hill School Counseling program is to encourage students to become self-motivated, responsible citizens.




    • All students have the ability to meet their full potential when provided a safe and supportive learning community.

    • The school counseling program serves a central role in meeting students’ developmental needs through interventions in academic, career, and social/emotional domains.

    • Student needs can be best met through a data-driven comprehensive school counseling program in collaboration with all stakeholders.

    • A comprehensive school counseling program is tailored to meet students’ educational and developmental needs as identified through needs assessments that have been translated into attainable goals.   

    • The American School Counselor Association ethical standards should guide the work of the school counseling program and school counselors.