English: 4 Credits AP Language counts as an English III credit; AP Literature or Dual Enrollment 1010 can count for an English IV creditMath: a Math course is required every year with a total of 4 credits earned. Including Algebra I, II, Geometry and a fourth higher level math courseScience: 3 Credits including Biology, Chemistry or Physics, and a third lab courseSocial Studies: 3.5 Credits including World History and Geography, US History and Geography, Economics (.5 credit)/Personal Finance (.5 credit), and US Government and Civics (.5 credit)*World Language: 2 Credits in the same language . This is recommended for students planning to attend a post-secondary institution, but is not required to meet graduation requirements.Physical Education and Wellness: 1.5 Credits Note: ½ PE credit can be satisfied by either taking a PE elective course or completing 65 hours during documented physical activity outside of the school day in a school-related area such as Marching Band, TSSAA approved sports, Cheerleading, Dance Team, Swim Team, School-related club/activity approved by the Supervisor of Wellness, PE, and Athletics.*Fine Arts: 1 Credit Elective courses are Music/Chorus, Band, Visual Art, and Theatre Arts Note: This is recommended for students planning to attend a post-secondary institution, but is not required to meet graduation requirements. *May be waived for students not going to a University to expand and enhance the elective focus.Elective Focus: 3 Credits in one focus area is required for all students. This means that a student must take 3 electives in one of the following areas: Math and Science, Career and Technical Education, Fine Arts, Humanities (Foreign Language, Language Arts, and Social Studies elective courses beyond the required courses), Advanced Placement (AP) and/or Dual Enrollment, Physical Education, or Human Services ( Peer Tutoring)
Students need a total of 28 credits to graduate.
ACT/SAT: To receive a regular high school diploma, all students enrolled in a Tennessee public school during their eleventh (11th) grade year must take either the ACT or SAT.Civics Exam: To receive a regular high school diploma, all students must pass (70 or higher) a Civics Exam which is given in their US Government and Civics course
Graduating with Honors
Student who wish to graduate with honors must have thefollowing sub scores on the ACT:
-English 18
-Math 22
-Science 23
-Reading 22
Scores may be earned on different ACT dates
Graduating with Distinction:
Students who wish to graduate with distinction must have an unweighted GPA of 3.0 and ONE of the following:
- ACT Composite score of 31 or above (not a super score)
- Score of 3 or above on two or more AP exams
- Industry Certification
- Attended any Governor's School (documentation required)
- Participate in one of the state's All State musical organizations (documentation required)
- Be selected as a National Merit Finalist or Semi-Finalist
- Earn 12 or more semester hours of post secondary credit
Seniors graduating with Honors or Distinction will be recognized at commencement by having symbol appear next to their name on the graduation program and on diploma.
Graduation Cords
Carter High School will recognize a student's scholar status in the graduation ceremony with the following colored cords:
Blue: National Honors Society
Purple: National Industry Certification
Green: Ready Graduate- must complete one of the following by graduation:
- Score a 21 or higher composite on the ACT (not super scores)
- Complete four Early Post-Secondary Opportunities (EPSO's)
- Complete two EPSO's + Industry Certification
- Complete two EPSO's + scoring 31 or above on ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery).
- EPSO's: Industry Certification, AP Courses, DE Courses, State Dual Credit
Red, White & Blue: Tri-Star Scholar
- Score 19 composite or higher on ACT (not super score)
- Obtain a National Capstone Industry Certification