Parent Involvement Policy
Carter High School believes positive parental involvement is essential to achieve maximum social, emotional, and academic growth and encourages participation of parents in all aspects of their child’s education.To strengthen the already growing parent involvement at Carter High a plan has been developed collaboratively with the members of our learning community. The following are some of the opportunities parents can use to become engaged in their child’s learning:
Parent Involvement Opportunities
DATE ACTIVITY CONTACT TIME Musical Theatre Revue Mr Webb Principal's Round Table Discussion Mrs. Sullivan Band Boosters Mr. Milligan Parents will be provided a description of the curriculum and ways that their child is assessed to measure his/her academic progress. Parents can also visit the Parent Portal to view student’s grades.Individual parent meeting between teachers and parents will also be held when requested by parents or teachers.Parents will be involved in the decision making for the school by serving on the *new* PTSO, the School, SIP committee and our District Advisory Council.Parents will receive progress reports every 4 1/2 weeks.Parents who are able are encouraged to keep current with each class’s activities through the ParentPortal. Those who do not have computers are encouraged to go to neighborhood libraries to use their computers or seek assistance at the school.
Student Holidays
AUGUST27- Inservice DaySEPTEMBER2 - Labor DayOCTOBER7 - 11 Fall BreakNOVEMBER5 - Inservice27-29 Thanksgiving BreakDECEMBER23 - 6 Winter BreakJANUARY1- 3 Winter Break6 - Inservice Day7 - Students Return20- Martin Luther King Jr. DayFEBRUARY17 - InserviceMARCH16 -20 Spring BreakAPRIL10 - Good Friday13 - No SchoolMAY16 - Graduation (11:30)21 - Last Day for Students