School-Wide Strategies
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Richard Yoakley implements Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). The main focus of PBIS is to provide a clear system for all expected behaviors at Richard Yoakley School. While many faculty and students have assumptions about what is expected behavior, we cannot assume that everyone’s beliefs are similar. Through PBIS, we will work to create and maintain a safe, respectful, and responsible environment in which ALL school community members have clear expectations and understandings of their roles in the educational process.
Our school-wide recognition and acknowledgment system benefits ALL students who follow our school-wide expectations. PBIS focuses on positive behavior. Students are taught and rewarded for following the expectations in all areas of the school. Students must be safe, respectful, and responsible in and out of the classroom. At RYS, behavioral expectations are...
- Defined: A small number of clear behavioral expectations are defined by positive, simple rules (i.e., Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible).
- Taught: The behavioral expectations are taught in real contexts, using the same teaching formats applied to other curricula.
- Acknowledged: Once appropriate behaviors have been defined and taught, they need to be acknowledged on a regular basis.
- Corrected: When students violate behavioral expectations, clear procedures are followed for providing feedback and preventing unacceptable behavior from resulting in inadvertent rewards.
We believe... in students and each other.
We envision… Richard Yoakley School staff using Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports to guide student behavior and help create a Safe, Respectful, and Responsible environment for all members of the school community.
We have a mission to… partner with students, their families, and the community, to provide an educational foundation that promotes integrity, self-esteem, and lifelong learning, which is the foundation for introducing healthy, productive, and responsible citizens to society.