Lonsdale Elementary Library Media Center
Welcome to Lonsdale Elementary Library!
Lonsdale Elementary is an open library, which means that students may visit the library any time throughout the day with permission from their teacher. Kindergarten through fifth grade classes have a fixed weekly visit. Preschool have planned visits through the classroom teachers.
Library Hours:
7:45 am - 2:45 pm Monday through Friday
Library Check out Policy:
Preschool = no checkouts
K and 1st grades = 1 book (*KINDERGAREN ONLY - book stays in the classroom)
2nd and 3rd grades = 2 books
4th and 5th grades = 3 books
Library Book Return and Renewal:
Library books are due in TWO weeks. Students who have not finished reading a book can renew it by bringing it to the library check-out desk so that we can renew it on our computer system. Books can be renewed only once.
Late Book Policy:
Students will NOT be able to check out a new book until all late books are returned, or the replacement fee is paid for a book that is lost. A note will be sent home with the student letting his/her guardian know of any missing library books.
There are no fines except for lost or damaged books. If an item is lost or damaged, students are charged the cost of a replacement book. Checkout privileges will be halted until lost or damaged items are paid for. All books must be turned in by the end of the school year. Any books not returned will be charged to the student's school account.
KCS Library Media Services VisionKnox County School Librarians are the friendly faces of knowledge acquisition. Our libraries are growing, multiservice, dynamic school centers that welcome, motivate, and inspire everyone in our community of users. We invest our time and skills in nurturing, promoting, and advocating for a learning environment that maximizes services and equitable access to resources. Our library programs are essential to a school-wide culture of innovation, achievement, and collaboration. Knox County School Librarians are forward-thinking leaders who model inquiry, information literacy, technologies, and trends in reading and instruction. Our professional charge is to inform and empower by fostering a safe environment where users can read, explore, question, solve, and create, leading to Excellence for Every Child.