Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Arrival Policies
- Our doors open at 7:05 a.m. There is no staff supervision available for students before this time.
- If students are eating breakfast, they will go straight to the cafeteria to eat. K - 2nd grade students report to the gym to wait until they are dismissed to their classrooms at 7:35. 3rd - 5th grade students report to the hallway outside their classrooms and wait for the 7:35 bell.
- Students who want to eat breakfast in the cafeteria must arrive by 7:35. After 7:35, students will be allowed to "Grab and Go" - this means they will take their breakfast tray to their classroom. Students must arrive before 7:45 to get breakfast.
- Students are expected to sit quietly outside their rooms (3rd - 5th grade) or inside the gym (K -2nd) while they wait for the morning bell.
- No adult may walk a student to the classroom without signing in at the office to receive a visitor badge.
- Please allow your child to walk to class independently. If you believe your child needs assistance, one of our staff members will gladly escort him or her to the classroom.
- Students arriving at school after 7:45 a.m. must be signed in by a parent or guardian.
- Students arriving after 7:45 are counted tardy and will need a signed tardy slip from the office to enter the classroom.
- Three tardy marks in one grading period will prevent a student from earning perfect attendance.
- Instruction missed due to unexcused tardiness will not be made up.
- If tardiness is habitual, the principal or social worker will contact the parent to seek a solution to the problem.
Dismissal & Check Out
- Students are dismissed at 2:45 p.m.
- If your student is a car rider, please place your car rider tag on your dashboard to facilitate the smooth loading of students into cars.
- No child may be picked up at the classroom door during the school day. Parents or guardians must come directly to the office and sign out the student, showing proper identification to do so.
- All students must be signed out in the office before leaving the school prior to dismissal time.
- Students will not be checked out between 2:15 and 2:45 p.m. This allows the office to smoothly prepare for and conduct dismissal for the entire school once busses start loading at 2:40.
- An early check out (before 2:45 p.m.) counts as a tardy and will remain unexcused without a medical note or other permitted note.
- Students not picked up by 3:05 p.m. will be brought into the office. Parents are required to come in and sign out these students. If late pickups are habitual, the principal or social worker will contact the parent to seek a solution to the problem.
- Our office closes at 3:15 p.m. daily.
Emergency Card & Alternate Transportation
- Students are released only to people who are listed on the student's emergency card.
- The school will call parents to verify if someone who is not listed on the card arrives to take a student.
- Please ensure that all responsible adults are listed on the emergency card to avoid any confusion and delays in picking up your student.
- If you change the way your student is going home, you must send a note to the teacher. The school will not allow a child to go home a different way without your written consent.