• Our Mission
    The mission of the Shannondale Elementary School Counseling Program is to provide every student with a comprehensive school counseling program centered around an engaging curriculum that encourages the highest level of student achievement and excellence through their growth in academic, career and personal/social domains. In partnership with teachers, administrators, parents and a caring community, the school counselor will help every student be successful in the classroom.

    Our Vision
    Shannondale Elementary students will become life-long learners who graduate college and career ready, well prepared to meet the challenges and high expectations of the 21st century. All students will participate in rigorous curriculum supported by a comprehensive school counseling program that facilitates collaborative partnerships between the school, family, and community. As successful and productive citizens, each of our students will make a positive difference in our schools and community.

    The school counselor at Shannondale believes:
    All students have the potential to meet high academic standards.
    Every student, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, or background, should have access to the school counseling program.  
    Education is a responsibility shared by students, parents, staff, and community, and is based on an atmosphere of mutual respect.
    School counselors must be leaders, advocates, and collaborators within their school in order to help students achieve in the classroom.