
    5th Grade Supply List



    2 packs of #2 (Dixon Ticonderoga brand) pencils

    2 packs of wide ruled notebook paper

    2 (5-STAR brand) no prong pocket folders, your color choice

    2 1 ½ inch. binders

    1 Container of Clorox Wipes

    3 composition notebooks (any color)

    4 boxes of Kleenex

    1 pack of Crayola Markers

    1  quart size Ziplock baggies

    1 gallon size Ziplock baggies

    1 box of colored pencils

    1 pair of over the head headphones

    1 pack of Expo assorted color dry erase markers

    4 glue sticks

    *Pencil Box will be provided



    We always run out of Kleenex. If you are able to send extra, please consider helping us out.

    ***Please do not write names on supplies. We will do that on the first day of school.