Welcome New Student!

    Due to COVID-19, new student enrollments will be processed virtually in order to comply with local guidelines.
    To enroll a new student:
       1. Gather all required documents needed for enrollment. (See below)
           * Copy of legal guardian's driver's license must be submitted with other documents.
       2. Return all required documents via email.
           * Documents may be scanned and emailed to KHS.registration@knoxschools.org
       3. Wait for an email or phone call from KHS.
           * Families will be contacted if there are any missing items.
           * A KHS counselor will contact families to discuss course scheduling, graduation requirements and answer any other school questions. This contact may be via phone call, email or an invitation to a Microsoft Teams meeting.
     Ms. McKee at 865-539-8670, option 1 is our Registrar.
    For records requests, please email Kim.Mckee@knoxschools.org or fax (865)470-2116.