Clubs and Activities
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Club/Sport/Activity: TSA, or Technology Student Association
A national STEM leadership CTSO (Career and Technical Student Organization), students can join to further their leadership skills while advancing STEM knowledge through participation in competitive events.
Sponsor/Coach: Tracy Anderson, ext 41635. Other Advisors include Mechelle Doucette and Elisha Noe.
Meeting Time/Location: Since most members are in full-year honors STEM, official chapter meetings are held during class. Students not in the class, especially 6th graders, can prepare for events after school whenever they can. Competitions start in January with the regional.
Requirements: Good grades and behavior are necessary to succeed in the activities. The competitions are out of town, and some overnight. Some parental monetary commitment will be needed for participation. Students not in full year STEM who express interest in joining can work on events after school as convenient.