Library/Media Services
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Book Check Out
Students in grades 3-5 may check out two books when they visit the library. Students in grades 1-2 can check out one book when they come to the library in the fall, and then two books in the spring. Kindergarten students may check out one book at a time when they visit the library.
Students in grades 3-5 may take their books home with them any time during the school year. Students in grade 2 may take their books home after fall break. Students in grade 1 may take theirs home after winter break. Kindergarten students will leave their books in their classrooms.
All students are expected to bring their library books with them to each library class. If a student does not return their book during class, they will not be able to check out a new book.There is a $5.00 replacement fee for each lost or damaged library book.
Book Donations
Donated books are always welcome; however, I may not be able to use them for our library. Books that I cannot use will be taken to McKay Used Books in exchange for books that can be used.