Discipline Plan
At West View Elementary, we have adopted "R.O.A.R. Expectations" and "Voice Levels" as our framework for school discipline. Please see the attached pictures for more information!
SCHOOL-WIDE DISCIPLINE PLAN (See KCS Policies J-100, 180,190, & 191)
In order to create an environment for maximum learning, we expect all students to practice good citizenship and behavior. We believe parents and teachers must work together to help children practice ways of being kind and considerate of others by following rules and respecting the feelings and property of others. We currently have a school-wide point system where children can earn points throughout the building on a daily basis by making good behavior choices. Students who earn 93-100 points earn a level A. Level B is 85-92; Level C is 75-84; Level D is 70-74; and below 70 is Level U. Our expectation is that students will all work for a level A or B.
We follow Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) at West View. The acronym for our expectations is ROAR: which stands for
- Being Respectful,
- Obtaining goals,
- Acting Safely, and
- Being Responsible.
Each area of the building has expectations that address those four core expectations. Students are taught how to follow expectations using the ROAR acronym. As a part of this, we have specific voice levels identified for different areas of the building. Zero Voice is for open class doors and dismissal. Voice levels ranging from 0-3 are taught and reinforced based on each area of the school.
KCS Board Policy J- 191: The following levels of misbehavior and disciplinary options are designed to protect all members of our community in the exercise of their rights and duties.
LEVEL I: Minor misbehavior on the part of the student which impedes orderly classroom procedures or interferes with the orderly operation of the school or school buses, but which can usually be handled by an individual staff member. Examples (not an exclusive listing): Classroom disturbances, cheating and lying, abusive language, non-defiant failure to do assignments or carry out directions.
Disciplinary Procedures: Immediate intervention by a staff member. Determine what offense was committed and its severity. Determine offender and that he/she understands the nature of the offense. Employ appropriate disciplinary options. Record of the offense and disciplinary action maintained by staff member. Referral to office may be used for repeated issues.
Disciplinary Options: Verbal reprimand, special assignment, restricting activities, assigning work details, in-school counseling, withdrawal of privileges, issuance of demerits which might affect citizenship or department grades, strict supervised study, detention, recommend in-school suspension or PAC, and/or Parent Notification (if applicable), referral to PIT team.
LEVEL II: Misbehavior whose frequency or seriousness tends to disrupt the learning climate of the school. Included in this level are misbehaviors which do not represent a direct threat to the health and safety of others but whose educational consequences are serious enough to require corrective action on the part of administrative personnel. Examples (not an exclusive listing): Continuation of unmodified Level I behaviors, use or possession of tobacco products, using forged notes or excuses, disruptive classroom behavior, harassment and/or bullying.
Disciplinary Procedures: Student is referred to principal for appropriate disciplinary action. Principal receives disciplinary write up and/or hears accusation made by teacher and permits student the opportunity of explaining the conduct, denying it or explaining any mitigating circumstances. Principal takes appropriate disciplinary action and notifies teacher of action. Record of offense and disciplinary action maintained by principal.
Disciplinary Options: Teacher/schedule change, behavior modification, peer counseling, referral to outside agency, in-school suspension or PAC, detention or suspension from school-sponsored activities or from riding school bus, restricting school related honors student is otherwise due, out-of-school suspension not to exceed ten (10) days. Parent notification (refer to Policy J-193 “Student Suspension”)
LEVEL III : Acts directly against persons or property but whose consequences do not seriously endanger the health or safety of others in the school. Examples (not an exclusive listing): Continuation of unmodified Level I and II behaviors Fighting (simple), Vandalism (minor), stealing, threats to others, harassment and/or bullying.
Disciplinary Procedures: Student is referred to principal for appropriate disciplinary action. Principal receives disciplinary write up and/or hears accusation by accusing party (peers/teacher) and permits offender the opportunity of explaining conduct. Principal takes appropriate disciplinary action. Principal may refer incident to Director of Schools or designee and make recommendations for consequences. If student’s program is to be changed, adequate notice shall be given to the student and his parents of the charges against him, his right to appear at a hearing and to be represented by a person of his choosing. Any change in school assignment is appealable to the Board. Record of offense and disciplinary action maintained by principal or Director of Schools.
Disciplinary Options: In-school suspension or PAC, Detention, Restitution from lost, damaged or stolen property, out-of-school suspension (not to exceed ten (10) days), social adjustment or behavior modification activities, parent notification (refer to Policy J-193 “Student Suspension”)
LEVEL IV: Acts which result in violence to another’s person or property or which pose a threat to the safety of others in the school. These acts are so serious that they usually require administrative actions which result in the immediate removal of the student from the school, the intervention of law enforcement authorities and action by the Board. Examples (not an exclusive listing): Unmodified Level I, II and III behaviors, extortion, bomb threat, possession/use/transfer of dangerous weapons, assault/battery, vandalism, theft/possession/sale of stolen property, arson, possession/use/transfer of unauthorized substances, possession/use/transfer of alcohol, possession/use/transfer of drug paraphernalia, harassment and/or bullying.
Disciplinary Procedures: Principal confers with appropriate staff members and with the student and investigates appropriately. Parents are notified and given the opportunity to attend disciplinary hearing at the school. Principal hears accusation by accusing party and permits offender opportunity of explaining conduct. Law enforcement officials are contacted as required. Incident is reported and recommendations made to the Director of Schools or designee. Complete and accurate reports are submitted to the Director of Schools or designee. Student is given hearing before disciplinary hearing authority.
Disciplinary Options: Out-of-school suspension and/or expulsion, alternative schools, other hearing authority or Board action which result in alternative placement.