• Fulton Foundation

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  • The Fulton Foundation

    Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve  

    The Fulton Foundation exists to bridge the gap between state and local funding to address key educational needs within our school.

    Our purpose is to increase student career and college readiness, and to expand staff talent and development. 

  • Foundation Goals & Opportunities

    Some of our key goals are:
    • Facilitate student development by providing funds for learning experiences outside the classroom setting
    • Support “quality of life” needs for students
    • Promote staff development through opportunities to attend and present at conferences, as well as visit other school districts for ideas and comparisons
    • Provide equipment, materials, and celebrations for student and staff accomplishments
    • Encourage development of Alumni relations and involvement
    • Promote community awareness of educational challenges and solutions

2509 for 2509 Spring Giving Campaign

  • Fulton is located @ 2509 North Broadway, and is often referred to by the Fulton Family/community as simply “2509”! The “2509 for 2509 Spring Giving Campaign” is a month-long social media campaign from April 5-May 5, 2023. We are seeking your help by requesting donations to the Foundation in increments of “2509”

  • Donate Here Buttom