• Get Involved!!!

    The mission of Powell Middle School’s PTSA centers around making every child’s potential a reality by engaging our families and community to support the many activities of Powell Middle School.  We work to partner with administrators, teachers, and staff to identify school needs, engage the community, and advocate for our students.

    Activities and goals for the 2021-2022 school year include:

    • Engaging families and building school community through several events including our Sixth Grade Panther Picnic and School-Wide Back to School Bash
    • Sponsoring educational programming for parents and students on various topics including Internet and Social Media safety and Tennessee PTA Reflections Program
    • Hosting Regular Staff Appreciation Events
    • Enhance our outdoor areas by adding additional picnic tables / seating to enable such things as classes to meet outside, special lunch incentives, etc.

    PMS PTSA meets quarterly (dates and times will be published soon so check back) and we’d LOVE for you to join us!  We can’t accomplish this without your support!  First meeting is August 31 at 4pm in the school library.

    Reach out to our PTSA Board with additional questions or suggestions:  pmspta1617@gmail.com or follow us on fb at Powell Middle School PTSA