Welcome to School Counseling!
At Ball Camp Elementary School the school counseling program is designed to support the development and well-being of our students. Our comprehensive school counseling program focuses on the three areas of: personal/social, academic, and career to help our students build a foundation for lifelong learning to nurture, challenge, and inspire them to reach their full potential!
The school counselor works with all students, including those who are considered "at risk" and those with special needs. The counselor provides assistance to students through the following four primary interventions.
Classroom Guidance
Lessons are designed to foster a student's academic, career, and personal/social development. Throughout the year, Mrs. Leonard will meet with all classes grades K-5.
Individual/Small Group Counseling
The counselor meets with students individually or in small groups as needed to help them resolve or cope constructively with their problem and developmental concerns. Students may visit the counselor for a variety of reasons. Such as: study skills/test-taking skills, decision making, family concerns, fears, illness, self- esteem, social skills/friendship, anger management/behavior.
Students may access the services of the counselor by: self-referral, teacher-referral, principal-referral, parent-referral.
The school counselor works with parents, teachers, school staff, and outside community resources in order to plan and implement strategies to help students be successful at school. Parents can email or call Mrs. Leonard to talk about their students or set up a meeting.
Brooke Leonard M.S.C.School CounselorContact information:brooke.leonard@knoxschools.org865-539-7888x21609