Mission, Vision, and Belief

  •  Pleasant Ridge School Counseling Program's Mission

    ...is to create a safe learning environment and address the social/emotional, academic, and career skills needed to become confident life-long learners, who achieve their greatest potential, and become productive citizens.


    Pleasant Ridge School Counseling Program's Vision

    Pleasant Ridge students are high-achieving learners, well prepared to meet the challenges and high expectations of the 21st century. All students participate in rigorous curriculum with high-quality academic and artistic opportunities for self-directed personal growth supported by a comprehensive school counseling program that facilitates strategic partnerships between the school, family and community. As successful, life-long learners and productive citizens, each of our students achieves excellence, making a positive difference in our schools and community.


    Pleasant Ridge School Counseling Program's Belief

    The school counselor promotes positive experiences and a safe environment by teaching students about confidence and setting goals that are challenging, yet attainable, through a comprehensive school counseling program.  Students are taught appropriate character traits with the intention of producing productive citizens within our community.