• Me and Otis!

    Character Counts at Blue Grass school!!

     This year your School Counselor, Mrs Hill, will be working three days a week instead of four.  I am happy to announce that we will have another Counselor, Mrs Rosy Copple, here on Fridays.  She is thrilled to be joining the Blue Grass team and working with our awesome students!

    Character Counts Traits for each month  

    August                                              Responsibility

    September                                      Respect

    October                                            Citizenships

    November                                       Trustworthiness

    December                                        Caring

    January                                             Fairness

    February                                          Responsibility

    March                                               Respect

    April                                                  Citizenship

    May                                                   Trustworthiness


    These are the character pillars that will be the focus of character education efforts for each month of the year.  Monthly Guidance lessons for every classroom will incorporate concepts associated with each pillar.  Students from three grade levels will be selected each month by their teacher and honored for demonstrating qualities of the character trait of the month.    


    Classroom Guidance Lessons

    I meet with each classroom once a month.  For August I do an introductory class teaching about transitioning back into school and how students can access me if needed.  Lessons throughout the year cover topics such as bullying, character counts, problem solving, conflict resolution and skills for school success.     

    Consultation and Individual Students 

    Of course, I also consult with parents and teacher and work with individual students as needed.  Parents can email or call me directly to talk about their student or schedule a meeting. 

What is a school Counselor?