After School Programs
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Shannondale YMCA
Shannondale Elementary: 689-1465
The Shannondale YMCA invites students in grades Kindergarten – Fifth to join YMCA Child Care Services, a licensed child care program.This program is conducted in cooperation with the Knox County school system.
The YMCA is dedicated to providing quality youth programs which has an overall goal of providing quality care in a safe, healthy, and fun atmosphere. Many activities are offered at each site for your child to participate. We operate on a child choice system. The children will be given options during activity times to choose from. Healthy snacks are provided each day.
The YMCA programs are different from routine baby-sitting because it provides a variety of supervised activities and fun-filled events. Ratios are kept low to provide more individual attention. Our staff is fun, responsible, and caring, chosen for their experience with and love of children. At least one staff member is certified in CPR and First Aid, and all attend on-going training. The YMCA Child Care Services Programs are open to all children regardless of race, color, sex, handicap, religion or national origin. The YMCA never denies anyone participation in a program due to financial restrictions
The Tennessee Department of Human Services licenses the program. All programs participate in the state's STAR Quality Rating System.
Discovery Learning Stations
This is a time for children to choose from a variety of activities designed to stimulate imagination and develop independent choice. Activities may include board games, books, puzzles, manipulatives, dramatic play, construction, science & exploration and math/language explorations etc.Snack Time
We provide a nutritious snack for active bodies. Snacks will follow DHS guidelines, and will include items such as fruit, crackers, pretzels, popcorn, and 100% fruit juice. If your child has any dietary restrictions, please be sure to indicate so on your child’s registration form.
Children will not be permitted to buy food from school vending machines at any time while at YMCA Child Care Services.Play Time/ Activity Time / Health & Nutrition
This includes time in the gym or on the playground, group games, team sports, and special events. These are designed to develop strength and coordination as well as cooperation and team work. This time is also utilized to discuss and conduct activities on health, nutrition, and the benefits of physical activity for a healthy lifestyle.Club Time
This is a time for arts and crafts, science and nature, roller hockey, chess, cooking, sign language, sewing, etc. Projects will be based on the interest, needs, and age of the children. Children will learn to work with a variety of materials that develop new skills. Clubs will vary at each site based on the talents of staff and interests of childrenCharacter Counts!
This is a special time for discussion, sharing, and problem solving, where each child will have the opportunity to share thoughts, feelings and ideas. Our goal is to utilize this time to develop self-esteem and character. The Character Counts! program is based on the six pillars of character: Respect, Responsibility, Caring, Trustworthiness, Fairness, and Citizenship.Power Half Hour/Quiet Time
This is a chance for the older children to work on homework while the younger children participate in relaxing activities such as reading, story time, or puzzles.KidzLit
YMCA KidzLit was developed to provide curriculum to YMCAs concerned with the reading and literacy level of the children they serve. The curriculum helps build important literacy skills, develops an appreciation for reading, and reinforces the YMCA character development values. It is part of the YMCA Strong Communities Agenda and provides wonderful curricula for YMCA school age care.Community Service and Learning
Children and staff have time to talk about society’s needs and skills for caring for one another. Areas covered include relating to others, team work, accepting diversity, non-violence, problem solving and caring for and respecting each other. Service projects are developed and worked through together. Children will have the opportunity to participate in at least one site specific project per year (i.e. toys for tots, food drives, cards for mobile meals recipients, etc).
Registration must be completed on site. A completed registration form along with a $50 registration fee is required as well. The form along with the fee should be turned in to your Site Director. For further information and/or to receive a form, contact the main Childcare Services office at 546-0600 or write YMCA Child Care Services, 7609 Maynardville Hwy • Knoxville, TN 37938.TUITION AND FEES
Tuition varies depending on child's age, siblings participating and if you are a YMCA Member. Please call your Site Director or the Child Care Services office at 546-0600 for current rates and fees. CAC funding is accepted. The YMCA never denies anyone participation due to financial restrictions. Subsidized fees are available to families that qualify.IRS INFORMATION
The YMCA can provide you with a W-10 for tax purposes upon request.
A summary of fees paid the previous year will not be provided.Parents are responsible for retaining receipts for their records. Contact YMCA management if you are not receiving your weekly receipts.The YMCA tax ID number is – 62-40-75-700The address for tax purposes is:YMCA of East Tennessee605 West Clinch AvenueKnoxville, TN 37902
Full day care is provided at most YMCA child care sites. Check with your Site Director about the availability of service at your site. Service can only be provided if enough participants sign up in advance. In the event that your site is not open you will be referred to the YMCA facility nearest you. YMCA facility programs will always be open on these days. Children should bring a lunch unless otherwise notified. The base fee for the day is $15. There may be an additional cost depending on the activities planned for the day.HALF DAYS
Care will be provided on school half days at no extra charge at most locations. This decision is made in conjunction with each school sites principal. See each site director for more information..INCLEMENT WEATHER
Programs that operate at school sites will not open if school system closes the schools for the day prior to the school day beginning. We apologize for the inconvenience, however the safety of the children and the security of the school facility guide this decision due to the fact that school security and maintenance personnel are not available. If your child attends a school site you may call a branch location to see if space is available.
Programs at YMCA facility locations will open as soon as possible—but in most cases of snow will be closed. Therefore, please call the YMCA before bringing your child.
On the days the school system closes school early because of snow or any other inclement weather prior to 1:00 p.m. we will make every effort to get staff to the school as soon as possible to aid in dismissal, however children will be dismissed from the school in the school’s car-rider pick-up line and NOT to the YMCA for care. If school dismisses early at 1:00 p.m. or after, we will make every effort to have staff to the school as soon as possible to wait with your child until you can pick-up early from the YMCA. We will not be open for a full afternoon of care and in most cases will not be able to accept 2:45 dismissal children to the YMCA for care due to Knox County Policy, therefore we ask that on days such as these that you pick up your child as soon as possible so that everyone can get home safely.
If your child attends a location where YMCA provides transportation from school, this service may not be provided if school is closed early due to inclement weather it is at the bus company’s discretion for safety reasons. Please call prior to assuming YMCA will pick up. If transportation is not offered due to safety reasons, it will be the parent’s responsibility to arrange transportation.
In most cases we will use WATE channel 6 to relay information. You may also call the child care services offices at 865-546-0600 or your child’s site directly. In addition you can become a “YMCA of East Tennessee” Friend on Facebook and get up to the minute inclement weather decisions there. See to become a fan.
YMCA Child Care Services is more than baby-sitting! Please help us impress upon your child that this is a special program designed to meet his/her needs and interests, where cooperation and team work are vital for safety and fun.
YMCA Child Care Services appreciate parents that keep us informed of his/her child’s special needs or any transitions in the child’s home life (divorce, birth of new child, death, etc.) This helps the staff to remain sensitive to your child’s needs.
Parents are welcome to volunteer with the program in the following ways:
Joining the Parent Advisory Committee
Donating used toys, games, or books
Providing input and suggestions about our program
Completing and returning parent evaluations
Presenting special programs using hobbies or careers as topics
Saving household items to be used as arts and crafts supplies
Going on field trips
Parents are welcome to visit the program at anytime!
Site Directors will schedule two parent/teacher conferences per school year. If at anytime the need arises, a conference can be scheduled.
Parents will receive a monthly newsletter filled with information about activities and upcoming events. Please also check the parent bulletin board at your child’s site for scheduling and licensing information.