• Northwest Middle School

    Trauma Informed Information

    “Creating a trauma-informed school isn’t about teachers becoming therapists. It’s about creating an environment that focuses on relationships, trust, and emotional safety.” – Heather T. Forbes, LCSW

    What is a trauma-informed school?
    A trauma-informed school is one in which all school administrators, teachers, staff, students, families, and community members recognize and respond to the behavioral, emotional, relational, and academic impact of traumatic stress on those within the school. (Adapted from National Child Traumatic Stress Network).
    To support all students and staff to feel safe physically, socially, emotionally, academically, and professionally.
    To create a safe learning environment within a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) that promotes healthy and successful students as evidenced by improved attendance, decreased suspensions and expulsion, improved graduation rates, and improved teacher retention. 
    • Implement trauma-informed practices within a predictable structure as a comprehensive schoolwide approach.
    • Promote and build supportive relationships between staff, students, families, and the community.
    • Develop effective, positive school discipline that does not re-traumatize students.
    • Build student capacity to address trauma, support regulation, and build resilience by teaching social and personal competencies.
    • Empower students by offering choices and opportunities to participate and belong.
    • Create a safe and welcoming climate for all students.


    Click here to see WATE's video on Social Emotional Learning at Northwest Middle!