• As we approach winter and the possibility of school being dismissed for inclement weather, we wanted you to be aware of our new early dismissal procedures.  If the Superintendent dismisses school early, you will receive communication from Knox County Schools about this dismissal via our phone messaging service.  If you suspect an early dismissal due to inclement weather, you may also check our school website (knoxschools.org/farragutps) or our Twitter feed (@FarrPrim) where we will communicate to you any change in the dismissal time.  Please do not call our school office with inquiries about school closing.  It is important that we keep this line open for emergency calls only. 

    If school is dismissed early and it is necessary that you come pick up your child prior to the dismissal time, please follow these procedures. 

    1)   Parents coming to pick up their child prior to the early dismissal time will enter the school through the external cafeteria door on the Village Green Subdivision side of the building.  No parents or visitors will be allowed entry at the main school door during this time. 

    2)    Upon entering the cafeteria, you will go to one of the white tables set up to process your child’s check out.  We will have one table for each grade (K, 1, and 2) as well as a “Fast Tracktable.  If you have your child’s orange car hangtag, you may use the “Fast Track” table.  Otherwise you will check your child out at the table that corresponds to his or her grade with a photo I.D.  Once you check your child out at a table, please wait in the cafeteria for your child’s name to be called on the cafeteria intercom system.  Once you hear your child’s name, you will exit the cafeteria through the interior doors, pick up your child in the lobby beside the office, and exit the school through the Village Green Side main school exit.  At no time will you be required to access the school office or any other portion of the building.  The office will be closed to emergencies only during this process. 

    3)    This process is only for those parents who must check their child out ahead of the early dismissal time.  Once the early dismissal time arrives, the early dismissal procedure will stop and we will dismiss students (bus riders and car riders) as usual.

    It is absolutely imperative that our school office has current contact information for your child.  If this information has changed since the beginning of school, please send a note to your child’s teacher with the corrections.  It is also crucial that your child’s teacher know how they are to go home if school is dismissed early.  This is especially pertinent for our students who go to daycare after school as not all daycares remain open when Knox County Schools are closed or dismiss early.  Please contact your daycare provider to find out their policy on early dismissal days.  As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call the school office at 966-5848.  Thank you in advance for your support and adherence to these procedures.