• The L&N STEM Academy is a high school within the Knox County School district that was founded in 2011 as a magnet high school focused on the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and math. Since then, the L&N STEM Academy has become known as a model school for providing a high-quality, STEM-focused education to high school students who want to be fully prepared for what awaits them after high school graduation.  The L&N STEM Academy aims to develop well-rounded, open-minded, critical thinkers who are college and career ready upon graduation.  Students at the L&N STEM Academy take 8 classes concurrently on a year-long bell schedule. 

    What is "STEM"?

    The acronym STEM references Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The essential element of high-quality STEM education is an open-minded and disciplined way of thinking, empowered by scientific reasoning, technological expertise, engineering design, and mathematical logic through the Design Thinking process:

    • Empathize

    • Define

    • Ideate

    • Prototype

    • Test

    Our STEM classes move "real world" problems into the classroom, raising the stakes for students, inspiring genuine engagement, and developing the skills of self-directed learners. Students practice the STEM habits of Inquiry, Design, Professionalism, Innovation, Critical Thinking, and Collaboration. These six habits are infused through all content and curricula, as essential 21st-century skills, allowing students to be successful collegiate scholars and community members once they graduate. 

    STEM Habits:

    • Inquiry

    • Design

    • Professionalism

    • Innovation

    • Critical Thinking

    • Collaboration

  • L&N STEM Academy :: 800 Worlds Fair Park Drive :: Knoxville, TN 37902
    Phone 865-329-8440 :: Fax 865-329-8457