• Contact info:
    Dana Walter
    Community Schools Resource Coordinator
    Christenberry Elementary School
    927 Oglewood Avenue
    Knoxville, TN 37917
    (865) 594-8500
    What is a Community School? 
    Community Schools are a strategy for aligning community resources for student success, family health and neighborhood safety. Community Schools stay open into the evening to offer additional instructional time as well as recreational, arts, mental health, adult education and other services. Each Community School is managed by a Site-Steering Committee which is composed of school staff, teachers, parents, businesses and other community leaders. 
    How does the Community School program for students look at Christenberry? 
    At this time, we specifically offer programming to students that are enrolled with the Christenberry Rec. Center program. Students have the opportunity to partake in different enrichment opportunities and clubs such as: Wrestling Club, Reading Club, Teach Children 2 Save-Finance Class, College and Career Club, Joy of Music, UT Gardening, and much more!!
    What opportunities are available for Parents/Guardians?
    Community Schools work to offer opportunities based on the needs of our parents/guardians and community members. Hence, opportunities can range from classes and opportunities such as: Parenting, GED, English as a Second Language (ESL), Resume workshops, Job Interview etiquette, Legal Aid guidance and much more! 
    What are the hours of operation for Christenberry Elementary Community School (CECS)?
    In partnership with the Christenberry Recreation Center, CECS operates Monday-Friday from 2:45-5:00 p.m.(with enrichment and academic opportunities taking place).
    Are you a parent or community partner interested in being a part of CECS?
    Please email me at kjaggers@greatschoolspartnership.com
    *Opportunities range from volunteering and serving on a Site committee (ex. Site Steering Committee, Partner Coalition, etc.). 
    Afterschool care for the Community Schools Program is handled by City of Knoxville's Christenberry Recreation Center.