• SEL Resources for Parents
    Parent Needs Assessment (All FMS parents please complete)
    As we return to school after the extended break, we would like to support students during their re-entry to school life. Your input helps us better serve students and make sure we meet their needs as we transition to school year 2020-21. We look forward to supporting your child's academic, career, and social/emotional growth. Counselors will address each of those growth areas in classroom and school-wide activities. In addition, individual and small group counseling will address these areas more specific to the individual needs of students. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey to best prepare our department to serve you and your students. The counseling department will keep your responses confidential.
    Parent Referral Form (Refer your student to see the school counselor)
    This form is for parents/guardians to request counseling services. Any information shared in this form is for the use of the school counselor and will NOT be kept in the any cumulative files. If the basis for your referral is to report any abuse, neglect, or intent to harm, you are urged to contact the Department of Children's Services at 877-237-0004. Thank you for helping me better serve our students.