The following expectations for student dress have been established to promote a safe and optimum learning 
    environment. Apparel or appearance which tends to draw attention to an individual rather than to a learning situation must be avoided.  In matters of opinion, the judgment of the principal/designee shall prevail. 

    The following standards will be observed in all Knox County Middle and High Schools: 

    1. Pants must be worn at the waist.  No sagging allowed. 
    2. Shirts, blouses, and dresses must completely cover the abdomen, back, shoulders and 
    must have sleeves.  Shirts or tops must cover the waistband of pants, shorts, or skirts with no 
    midriff visible.  Low-cut blouses, shirts, tops or extremely tight tops, or any top that exposes
    cleavage are prohibited.
    3. Head apparel, except for religious or medical purposes, must not be worn inside the school
    4. Footwear is required and must be safe and appropriate for indoor and outdoor activity.  Flip-
    flops and shower-type shoes are examples of inappropriate footwear for school. 
    5. Clothing and accessories such as backpacks, patches, jewelry, and notebooks must not
    display (1) racial or ethnic slurs/symbols, (2) gang affiliations, (3)disruptive,  vulgar, or
    sexually suggestive language or images; nor should they promote products which students
    may not legally buy; such as alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs. 
    6. Skirts, dresses, and shorts must be beyond mid-thigh length. 
    7. Sleepwear, pajamas, and/or blankets cannot be worn in school.
    8. Prohibited items include (1) large, long and/or heavy chains, (2) studded or chained
    accessories, (3) sunglasses, except for health purposes, (4) sleepwear, and (5) skin-tight outer
    materials such as spandex without appropriate coverage. 

    * The school administration reserves the right to determine whether the student's attire is within

     the limits of decency and modesty.  Administration should strive for consistency so the dress code is
     applied evenhandedly to male and female students.

    The principal may allow exceptions in special circumstances or occasions such as holidays or 

     special performances.
    * Any student not attired in accordance with this policy shall be subject to correction of the violation.
       If a correction cannot be made, the student shall be subject to additional disciplinary measures as
       described in Policy J-191 “Misbehaviors and Disciplinary Options.”