School Counseling/Social Work
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Thank you for taking the time to find the School Counseling/ Social Worker page. We hope that you find it useful. Please continue to check back throughout the school year as we will be adding content as the year continues. Our 5-day School Counselor is Ms. Patricia Lutu-Mayes. She prefers to be called "Ms. Patricia". She is excited about beginning her third year here at East Knox Elementary and her 14th year as a School Counselor. Please welcome our 2-day School Counselor, Ms. Abigail Lawson, she prefers to be called "Ms. Abigail". She will be here at East Knox on Mondays and Fridays. She will be at Mooreland Heights on Tuesdays and Green Magnet on Wednesdays. Our Social Worker is Jamie Pennell and this is also her first year here at East Knox Elem. She also has many years' experience as a social worker with KCS. We share Ms. Pennell with Carter Middle, Chilhowee Intermediate, and Fountain City Elem., but she is here at East Knox on Thursdays. Our school social worker connects families to community and school resources, as well as helps families identify and address barriers to attendance. Even though she works at other schools, she is always available. If you need her, you can call her, text her or email her.
All students will continue using chromebooks and using technology more in our classes. This will include the school counseling classes which are called "Life Skills", previously called guidance class. Students will be showing more responsibility through the use of technology, navigating classes/courses, and always doing their personal best.
My job as your school counselor is to help with that any way I can. This will take everyone communicating their needs. So, please do not hesitate to call or email your child's teacher, the school counselor, the social worker, or one of our amazing administrators, if you have any questions or concerns this year. Our contact info is:
Main Office - (865) 933-3493
Ms. Patricia Lutu-Mayes / School Counselor
Ms. Abigail Lawson / School Counselor
Jamie Pennell / Social Worker
- or (865) 659-8238
Mrs. Beth Spence / Principal
Mrs. Cyndee Casselman / Assistant Principal
East Knox County Elementary
Comprehensive Developmental School Counseling Program
As your School Counselor, I provide many different services through our school counseling program.
Services provided through our comprehensive developmental school counseling program include:
* Classroom Lessons
(Academic, Social-Emotional, & Career lessons- aligned with TN Student Standards)
* Individual Counseling (Note: this is NOT therapy, it IS extra help with school-related skills, ex. coping skills, organization, focus, self-advocacy, etc.)
* Small Group Counseling (topics based on needs ex. grief, divorce, study skills, etc.)
* Consultation and Collaboration (I work together with all stakeholders)
* Parent Meetings
* Crisis Management
* Referrals (to outside agencies, ex. for Mental Health services if needed, or other assistance)
I feel very fortunate to be able to work in such an amazing environment with extraordinary students and staff members. I look forward to working with you and your students. My goal is to help ensure that every student feels happy, safe, and is ready to learn with the skills needed for success. Please contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have regarding the school counseling program.
The school counselor is here to support our students with comprehensive services that will address their social-emotional, academic, and career interests. The counselor will help provide a nurturing environment with high expectations for student success. Our school counseling program centers around having good character and practicing our Leader in Me 7 Habits, and the TN standards for School Counseling. Our students will learn how to be safe, respectful, and responsible. The counselor will see classes on a rotating basis and will also see students in small groups and individually, as needed or requested. The counselor takes teacher, parent/guardian, caregiver, and self referrals from students. Referrals can be made by anyone. Referrals are made for social, academic, school or home-based concerns. All information that is shared with the counselor is strictly confidential. Remember the counselor or social worker can also help with family needs such as food and clothing. If you have a concern, remember Cougars CARE and we want to hear from you if you need anything. See the left side table of contents for specific webpages, such as referral links, resources and other links, etc.
_____________________________________________________________________________________2024-2025- NEEDS ASSESSMENT *** Attention/ Action Needed ***
Parents and Teachers: As part of my job and to ensure that we understand the needs of our students, the social worker and I would like you to please take a quick needs assessment, if you have not already done so. Students will have a separate needs assessment. They will do this with me through Life Skills Class. The information on the assessment will help me to better plan for classes and other things for the school year, as well as, help our social worker to address needs we may otherwise not know about without your input. Thank you in advance for your time and willingness to help us better understand the needs of East Knox, our students, families, and community. Have a great day! Please click on the image below to begin the assessment.
Use the QR code or Click on it
to complete our schools Needs Assessment
Thank You !
LIFE SKILLS with Ms. Patricia
FALL semester 2024
SPRING semester 2025
Lesson Topics for the year
These topics come from the Quaver Ready series
for SEL and are required for use in my classes this year.
Anyone can do a 30 trial and look over the lesson if you would like.
I will still try to have my lesson over views on CANVAS.
TN State Standards for School Counseling
5-day School Counselor
"Ms. Patricia"
Mrs. Patricia Lutu-Mayes M.S.
East Knox County Elementary
9315 Rutledge Pike
Mascot, TN 37806
865-933-3493 Main Office
Masters of Science --Spring 2011
Major: Counseling
with Concentration:School Counseling
University of Tennessee
Bachelors of Art -- Fall 2008
Major: Psychology
Minor: Child & Family Studies
University of Tennessee
2-day School Counselor"Ms. Abigail"
Mrs. Abigail Lawson
East Knox County Elementary,
(Mondays & Fridays)
Green Magnet Academy, (Wednesdays) and
Mooreland Heights Elementary (Tuesdays)
Social Worker
Jamie Pennell, LMSWSocial Worker - Knox County SchoolsEast Knox County Elem./ Carter Middle /Chilhowee Intermediateand Fountain City ElemWork Cell: (865) 659-8238East Knox COUGARS!