The mission of the Knox County School Counseling Program is to provide every student with a comprehensive school counseling program centered around an engaging curriculum that encourages growth in academic, career, and personal/social domains.
The Maynard Elementary vision is that every student will acquire the academic, social, emotional and career skills to become successful citizens. The comprehensive developmental school counseling program will work with other stakeholders to establish continuity in supporting this vision.
Maynard Elementary School Counseling Beliefs:
1. I believe that all children can learn and achieve in a supportive and nurturing environment.
2. I believe that stakeholders (staff, parents and community members) must model teamwork and work together to establish a respectful school culture.
3. I believe the school counseling program should support the academic, career and personal/social development of all students.
4. I believe the character traits of respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring and citizenship should be taught and promoted by the school counseling program.
5. I believe the school counselor should follow the ASCA code of ethics.
6. I believe the school counselor should continue to learn and grow by participating in professional development activities.