    Clinic Corner 
    Nurse Shelia Steele
    Project ADAM
    We are proud to announce that we are now a Project ADAM school!

    Project ADAM Tennessee is a program provided by East Tennessee Children's Hospital and Knoxville Pediatric Cardiology to serve children and adolescents through education and deployment of life-saving programs that help prevent sudden cardiac arrest.

    The program provides schools with individual consultation on how to prevent sudden cardiac death in the school setting. Adults who work or visit in the school setting will also benefit if an emergency arises. Dr. Jeff Jennings is the medical director of Project ADAM Tennessee.


    Project ADAM Website 

    Emergency Contact Information
    Please make sure you our office has the most current emergency contact information. If there is an emergency at school, it is very important that we are able to contact you. If you do not have a working phone number, please make sure the office has up-to-date phone numbers for the people listed on your child's emergency card. Thanks! :)

Phone: 865-594-1984


Degrees and Certifications:

Shelia Steele, Nurse