Parent Information

  • Please look over this page for any questions that you might have regarding library. If you still have a question, please email me at and I will do my best to help you.

Circulation Policy

    • Students in Kindergarten may have 1 book checked out under their name. The Librarian and Teachers have decided that library books remain in the classroom to decrease the number of lost books and allow students to have books during reading time.
    • Students in First Grade may have 1 book checked out under their name. The Librarian and Teachers have decided that library books remain in the classroom to decrease the number of lost books and allow students to have books during reading time.
    • Students in Second Grade may have 1 book checked out under their name. Students in Second Grade may take library books home whenever they choose. If a student does not bring back their book, they cannot get another book until their book has been returned.
      Students may renew books when they are due, if they have not finished the book. However, students must bring the book with them to the Library in order to renew it. Students with overdue books will not be allowed to check out until the overdue book is returned or paid for.  If a student damages a book, they will not be allowed to check out another book until the book has been paid for or replaced with a hard copy of the same title.

Lost and Damanged Books

  • When students check out a book, they are responsible for making sure that the book is returned in the same condition as when it was checked out.  However, I also understand that accidents happen.  If a book is lost or damaged, please have your student come see me as soon as possible.  Whenever possible, I will try and repair the book.  Also please make a thorough search for lost books; they can be found in the strangest places.  If the book can't be repaired or it is definitely lost, I will send home a letter with the cost of the book. 
    You can help your student avoid lost and damaged books by helping them find a safe place for their library books at home.  Also remind students not to eat or drink around their library books and to carry their books in a backpack or book bag, away from water bottles and lunches.
  • Parent Volunteers are Always Welcome!
    Volunteers are always needed to shelve books, labeling books for AR, prepare new books for circulation, check books in and out for students, help with the book fair, and other duties.  If you are interested in being a volunteer in the library, please email me at for more information.