Welcome to Inskip Elementary's Title I Page
Title I (Education
Consolidation and Improvement Act-ECIA P.L. 97-35) is part of the ESEA
Act (now ESSA) first passed by Congress in 1965. The purpose of this
title is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant
opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum,
proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and
state academic assessments. Funds are distributed to Title I schools
for additional personnel, the purchase of materials and supplies, and
staff development opportunities.
will be updating this page regularly as we have our school-wide
meetings to let our families know how our Title I funds are being spent.
For a comprehensive view of our school plan including our goals, click
on the link below. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel
free to attend our meetings or let us know. We hope to partner with you
to make this a successful year for every student at Inskip Elementary!
Inskip Elementary School Plan: ePlan (coming soon)
Next Meeting Date: TBD