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KCS Vaping Policy

An outline of the new vaping protocols: 

Vaping without THC Student’s first offense:

· May result in a citation from law enforcement and a $117 court cost

· Receives two days of out-of-school suspension

· Upon returning to school, spends one day in the restorative learning center for intervention services, including: o Completing four (50 minute) INDEPTH videos (Intervention for Nicotine Dependence: Education Prevention Tobacco and Health), and

· Making a presentation to the parent/guardian and staff member.

Student’s second offense:

· May result in a citation from law enforcement and a $164 court cost

· Receives four days of out-of-school suspension

Student’s third offense:

· May result in a citation from law enforcement and a $164 court cost

· School conducts a disciplinary hearing that could result in a 5 to 10 day out-of-school suspension.


Vaping with THC

Any vaping that contains THC will result in a zero-tolerance offense (180 day out-of-school suspension and an alternative placement will be offered).

These protocols were developed with the assistance of our community partners, as well as KCS administrators, teachers and security personnel. We want to thank the Knox County Health Department, Knox County Sheriff’s Department, Knoxville Police Department, Tennessee Department of Health, Knoxville DEA 360 and the National Drug Enforcement Agency for their collaboration on this important matter. We appreciate your understanding and support in our effort to fight this growing health crisis and eliminate vaping in our schools.